Scripted Upon My Heart

by Kim Carpentier
Scripted Upon My Heart
Kim Carpentier
Photograph - Photography
This was a most unexpected image. The sky had no clouds but for this formation that seemed to border itself around the setting sun, creating the most beautiful display of colors I had seen in a while. Image captured at Weekapaug Point, Westerly, Rhode Island.
March 31st, 2017
Comments (1)

Mary Ann Weger
Congratulations! Your beautiful work has been featured in the Fine Art America group “Northern Atlantic Coast Of No America - Nature Photos! You are invited to archive your featured image for permanent storage and for viewing on the Discussions Page—topic name: “1-Featured Work to be Archived for Permanent Storage”. https://fineartamerica.com/groups/northern-atlantic-coast-of-no-america--nature-photos-.html?showmessage=true&messageid=3645712 Simply copy the URL at the top of your image’s profile page, or copy your full image, and paste it into the Discussion Page theme as noted above. Group URL: https://fineartamerica.com/groups/northern-atlantic-coast-of-no-america--nature-photos-.html