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Late Summer Color at Blue Marsh Photograph by Kim Carpentier

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Comments (4)

Abstract Angel Artist Stephen K

Abstract Angel Artist Stephen K

Love the sky and light! :)) L/F ♥

Kim Carpentier replied:

Thank you!! I truly appreciate it!

John M Bailey

John M Bailey

Congratulations on your feature in the Fine Art America Group "Images That Excite You!"

Kim Carpentier replied:

Thank you very much, John!! I truly appreciate it!

Emmy Vickers

Emmy Vickers

Stunning capture Kim. Love the reflection in the marsh waters and love the action in the sky. Nicely composed. l/v

Kim Carpentier replied:

Thank you for your kind words and the like, Emmy!! I truly appreciate it!

Nicklas Gustafsson

Nicklas Gustafsson

Wonderful picture!

Kim Carpentier replied:

Thank you, Nicklas! Much appreciated!!

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Late Summer Color at Blue Marsh by Kim Carpentier
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